Out Love Each Other

I had the chance to go back home this weekend and attend a service at my former church, which was a good and relaxing thing! There was one point that really struck me as a unique way to view our relationship with God and each other.
(well, two ideas)

1: The Christian life is to be lived in mutual submission to God, and to each other. 

2: Mutual submission is the consistent laying down of self for the good of the other. One way it can be defined as trying to "out love" each other. 

Think about that. Out-loving each other is how we are to live life. This is an amazing concept that I need to embrace more! Ephesians 5:21 simply says that we should "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ". Out of our desire to be more like Christ, out of our respect and awe of the Triune God, we are to submit to one another. We are to put the needs of others above ourselves, we are to try and out-love and out-serve one another.

What kind of world would we have if we were constantly living to make other's lives better? If we went around talking people up and lauding them behind their back? If we ran to grab doors for our spouses, if we actively sought to ease the burdens of strangers, if we took time to lend listening ears and open hearts to the people in our circles everyday?

We have a God who doesn't just ask this of us but embodies it. God consistently pours Himself out for us. His love for us is extravagant, overflowing, and beyond comprehension. Jesus came to not to be served but to serve humanity, to empower us to join His mission in our homes and neighborhoods and places of work. As we then submit to God, let's allow the idea of "out loving each other" be a frame in which we try to live.

Where can you love extravagantly this week? How can you out-love the people around you today? Where can you step in to serve others?

In order to cultivate a culture where we out-love each other, it starts with someone loving and submitting first. Be that person this week!


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