The Rock That Is Higher

"From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I."
[ Psalm 61:2 ESV ]
Fall is in full swing, with the threat of *whispers* snow on the way. Schools are rolling, extracurriculars are in rhythm, plans are starting to be made for holidays. We are busy and getting busier as we head towards Thanksgiving and Christmas.
There are times and seasons where we are simply busy. Where we become consumed with work, school, kids, friends, family, and things to do. It's possible, that in these times, that we begin to feel overwhelmed. We are discouraged; feeling like we are always a bit behind, like we just can't climb out of the hole. We feel like we are at the mercy of the river of our responsibilities and engagements. We have nothing to hold on to.
When we are overwhelmed by life, a lot of people have a tendency to dig in harder. They try to rearrange the schedule, optimize the time they have, just grin and bear it as they make it through whatever busy time they have to get through.
But we don't have to be this way. There will always be times in life where we just can't keep up. What matters, then, isn't if we can better manage our lives but where our souls are tied to. Do we have an anchor? Or are we simply trying to keep up with the flow of our responsibilities and obligations?
When things get crazy, don't be afraid to cry out for help, like the psalmist. Don't be afraid to ask to be led to the Rock that is higher than you are. The craziness of life is inevitable. When our souls are at rest in Jesus, though, we can weather those storms and come through it better because we are with Him. We don't have to do it alone!
This week, make some space to simply spend some time with God. Let yourself be anchored into the Rock that is higher than you, let your soul find some rest in the arms of a God who is with you always.
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